Queen of the Night
21" x 24"
Cottons, batiks, hand dyes, organza,
Hand constructed night blooming cereus flower and leaves, thread painted, machine quilted.
Statement: In this piece I wanted to try and capture the flower of the night blooming cereus plant. The bloom begins opening around 8 pm and is fully open by midnight.
It blooms for one night and dies in the light of dawn.
Artist's Private Collection
Night Casting I & II (diptych)
I 14.5" X 18.5"
II 14.5" X 17.5"
Cottons, batiks, exotic yarns.
Hand and machine constructed, web, spider and leaves, thread painted, and machine quilted.
Statement: The ogre-faced spider casts its net of fluffy silk over its prey much like fishermen cast their nets in the sea.
"A thread of orb web silk can stretch 200 times its length before it breaks. It's more than three times stronger than a thread of steel of the same thickness." . . . Ranger Rick Magazine
Arachnids and Old Lace
16.5" X 21.5"
Materials: batiks, cottons, silk ribbon, exotic yarns
Hand and machine constructed spider, web, and leaves, thread painted, machine quilted.
Statement: How can one have arachnophobia when we see the lace-like weavings of the bowl and doily spider? Sheet weaver spiders (try saying that three times in a row) weave a silken bowl doily platform underneath. They use the confusing tangle of lines to capture insects.
Collection of Joan Horvitz, Moreland Hills, OH
Batik, thread, batting
The spider and web were thread painted on a whole cloth background. The piece was machine quilted.
Statement: In this piece I tried to show the hackled silk of an orb weaver
with the spider camouflaged in the middle.
Artist's Private Collection
For purchasing information and other questions,
please EMAIL Melani with your request.
© 2004 - Melani Kane Brewer
All images on this site are protected by copyright law and no image may be reproduced
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Site Design - DWWD - David Walker Web Design