Lady Darlene
12.5" x 12.5"
Hand dye painted and stamped background by the artist using Deka silk dyes.
Thread painted dahlia and buds, machine quilted.
Statement: This dahlia is called Lady Darlene. It was from my dad's garden and one of his favorites.
Artist's Private Collection
"To make a prairie, it takes a clover and one bee." . . . Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
Papa's Pride
Size: 40.5" X 59.5"
Hand painted and stamped whole cloth background, by the artist. Cottons, batiks, hand dyes, organza, exotic yarns.
Hand and machine constructed 3-D dahlia blossoms, leaves and stems. Thread painted and machine quilted.
Statement: I tried to create my dad's garden in fabric. He grew prize winning dahlias as big as dinner plates in every color of the rainbow.
Artist's Private Collection
Kosmik Kelpies
Size: 39.5" X 24"
Cottons, batiks, hand dyes by the artist, beads, chenille yarns, netting
Thread painted and machine quilted. Hand and machine constructed Kelpies.
Hand beaded, machine pieced, set and appliqué.
Statement: Kosmik Kelpies is an original design depicting the mythical Kelpie of Scotland.
Here the Kelpie is spawned by the sea rising to conquer the hurricane.
Available for Purchase
Pots d' Orchides
Size: 36" X 36"
Hand dyes by the artist, commercial cottons, batiks, collected objects, exotic yarns.
Original design-pictorial view through a seaside window of 3-D orchids. Orchids and pots were thread painted; some orchids and leaves hand constructed, machine set and quilted.
Collection of Sarah Sterling, Cooper City, FL
Size: 42" X 44"
Cottons, silks, rayon, exotic yarns, silk ribbon, and beads
The work is machine stitched, leaves and trees were thread painted and hand beaded, faeries were hand painted, machine tacked and quilted.
The work was inspired by Marion Zimmer Bradley's book, The Mists of Avalon.
Available for Purchase
Evolution I
Size: 52"X 40.5"
Batiks, leather, suede, fur, fossil bones, cernit, arrow heads, pyrite, shells
Hand painted scene depicting the cave paintings of early man. It was hand and machine quilted, with trapunta in shell motif. Hand made clay Venus figure.
This piece was inspired by a verse from the poem, Each in His Own Tongue by William Carruth.
Available for Purchase
For purchasing information and other questions,
please EMAIL Melani with your request.
© 2004 - Melani Kane Brewer
All images on this site are protected by copyright law and no image may be reproduced
in whole or in part without the express written permission of the artist and/or web designer.
Site Design - DWWD - David Walker Web Design